Posts in horror movies
Horror Movie Reviews So Fun, I Forgot To Scream

A while back I came across a podcast, and I should tell you now I used to hate podcasts and think most podcasters waste your time. However, these boys over at The Binge-Watchers Podcast were having such a great time talking about Demons, Demons 2, and Terror Vision that I stopped and subbed…

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[ Review ] Dave Rewinds Cujo - Classic Stephen King Horror Movie Review

Make no mistake, Cujo is a slasher film. Doesn’t matter that he is not human or use a knife, machete or chainsaw; Cujo is a crazed killer who will stop at nothing to get to his prey. Even down to the, spoiler alert, killer comes back for one more stab ending, this movie has all the elements of a classic slasher…

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