Horror Movie Reviews So Fun, I Forgot To Scream

A while back I came across a podcast, and I should tell you now I used to hate podcasts and think most podcasters waste your time. However, these boys over at The Binge-Watchers Podcast were having such a great time talking about Demons, Demons 2, and Terror Vision that I stopped and subbed.

They were talking about horror movies they loved as kids from the 80s and 90s that they used to rent at actual video stores like 2 for a $!. They would rent a stack of videos, order pizza, and stay up ‘til dawn watching and debating the plots and how the monsters died in each cinematic boss fight.

Their discussions over a cold one elevating these B movies like they were Oscar offerings was just too intriguing to skip on my iTunes.

Since then I stuck out a few episodes.

Truth be told, I tuned out over time. That episode I heard that turned me on to the podcast world was so genius and innocent even though they were chatting up mayhem that it was an instant chart topping classic and would be a hard act to follow until today.

I just heard something that captured that magic again and then raised the casual conversational chaos and one-liners to a new level.

Johnny Spoiler (That’s the host, he earned the nickname by spoiling movie plots, which is usually funny and accidental ) and his crew —- Nicky Lates, Dangerous Dave, Double A —- claiming all to be film guys and professional binge-watchers if such could exist …

Well, they just delivered an episode called Horror Movies To Watch: Night Of The Demons Retrospective in which they dive deep into the Night Of The Demons trilogy and ask, “Why don’t more people talk about Night Of The Demons 2?”

Since I heard the raw basement tapes years back, the show has come a long way to hone its craft and bring stories together for both diehard movie fans and casual listeners by playing games to rank the movie reviews, trivia. and their favorite bits that might be the reason for a new watcher to enjoy these movies.

Here’s a link to the episode in question: EPISODE IN QUESTION

What strikes a chord in me is how they are bringing the show to new heights by simply trying to share their love of these weird, horrific, funny, and entertaining movies with whomever might be listening to them.

If you are having a tough day, a spat with a loved one, depressed, or bored, I recommend plugging in a pair of earbuds and tuning into these guys for an afternoon or a night cap to let them help you escape, entertain yourself, or catch that spark of pure cinematic love.

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