Movie Reactions On YouTube 9-13-23 [ Podcast ]

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Ever wondered what it truly means to label something as 'weird'? Well, join us on this provocative ride into the realm of absurd filmmaking, where we unravel the various elements that come together to create the 'weird' and 'unusual'. We dissect the philosophy of absurdism and how the juxtaposition of reason and incongruity can lead to profound narratives. This episode is guaranteed to challenge your perspective on what constitutes 'normal' and 'eccentric'.

Next up, we shine the spotlight on the legendary Peter Jackson and his DIY journey in creating the cult classic, 'Bad Taste'. Discover how Jackson's sheer determination and innovation (think creating masks in his mom's kitchen) won over the New Zealand Film Commission, leading to the completion of this iconic film. But, the story doesn't end there. We delve into the controversy surrounding the banning of the film in Queensland, Australia and how all these elements amalgamated to inspire Jackson's later works.

Finally, we take a fun detour into the world of Star Wars parody shows and the allure of an all-female cast. We even entertain the thought of a 'sexy Ghostbusters'. Yes, you heard that right! We wrap things up with a thrilling preview of our upcoming review of the anime movie 'Memories'. So, buckle up as we embark on this rollercoaster ride through eccentric films, unique storytelling, and unfiltered fan reviews. It's going to be nothing short of extraordinary!