Unboxing Movies To Watch. Collector's Movies. Out Of Print Horror Movie DVDS.

“Loved Again Media sent me a box of movies, which is pretty cool. Let's go through it.

So they know I'm a horror fan. ...So they sent me... Wishmaster One and two? That's like the best of the whole series.

What else we got? Wow. These next two Dead Alive and Mad Max. I think these DVDs are out of print. So gonna keep these collector items.

I don't think they realized they were in the box and this one a little bit near and dear to me.

That's probably why Loved Again Media exists. Like it reminds you how much you love these movies and what they mean to you. Sent me a copy of Edward Scissorhands.”

Check them out: lovedagainmedia.com/binge

Loved Again Media is an amazing mom and pop movie subscription box service serving up movie nostalgia and more, listeners get 15% off with promo code: binge. You can also win a gift card for signing up. Visit them at: https://lovedagainmedia.com/binge