Binge-Watchers Podcast

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To Hell And Back Again With Jason Voorhees

Once a franchise gets to a certain point, you got to take your character to space.

Critters, Leprechaun, Hellraiser, all the majors did it. It was surprising that we didn’t get A Nightmare in Space or Space Jaws.

They even mentioned the concept of horror movies going into space on a radio broadcast in Halloween 6 about taking Michael Myers to space.

Which brings us to Jason Vorhees, who gets discovered and reanimated by students on a field trip in the future, a computer mistakenly repairs Jason because it thinks he is a wounded trauma victim, and then Jason goes about slaughtering anyone he can find on a star-ship. Most people find the movie fun, however, die-hard Jason and Friday the 13th fans think this one “jumped the shark.”

A few things I love about Jason X:

  • David Cronenberg is in Jason X which is awesome; it could have been a throw away character but instead they got a famous and respected scifi filmmaker to make the bit part shine.

  • The girl’s frozen face getting crushed into the cupboard is amazing.

  • The virtual reality scene is hilarious and fun.

  • Jason X’s “Cyborg Jason upgrade” is incredible too.

  • And the reference to the sleeping bag kill scene in Friday The 13th, Part 7 is a great call back for fans.

All the high-tech shenanigans like Jason having to fight a sexy android and float in space is a bit heavy towards the end of the movie, and you may miss that old in the woods with a machete killer vibe.

Before blasting off into outer space, Jason went to Hell—-

And we learned his ability to return from the dead to stalk and slaughter new victims has a supernatural origin.

Jason finally gets taken out by the FBI, but his parts possess others to do his bidding, and this movie becomes a “body horror” feature.

Not the normal Friday the 13th I’m used to. This is more like The First Power, Shocker, or The Hidden in tone and context.

Friday fans have a love-hate relationship with this one, for sure.

If you could call one of the Fridays “sophisticated,” it is this one. This one gives you more time to get to know the protagonists and they are pretty well drawn with some non-Jason related issues they are dealing with when all Hell breaks loose around them.

The major stand out of this movie for me comes in the form of a character named Creighton Duke played by Steven Williams. He is a bounty hunter that knows much about the Vorhees legends and Jason’s history.

He had some past beef with Jason. He is a remarkable character and maybe even as dynamic as Jason’s other long-time rival Tommy Jarvis.

It would be great to see a prequel movie with Creighton versus Jason that dove into that story. The director, Adam Marcus supposedly has such a story mapped out.

I say, gimme a prequel.