Binge-Watchers Podcast

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Is it still ok to like RoboCop? Absolutely. Here's Why...

RoboCop may be one of the most influential action movies of the 80’s.

It’s fingerprints can be seen all over modern action movies like the John Wick series with it’s kinetic, faced paced editing to the way, way, way over the top violence that can be almost absurd. Along other era favorites like Die Hard, Commando and Tango & Cash, RoboCop would help define what actions movies would become. However, it is also one of the best satires that people often forget is a satire. Most of this can be attributed to director Paul Verhoven. 

Paul Verhoven would continue success with movies like Total Recall and Starship Troopers, another great satire in it’s own right, but RoboCop was the one that put him on everyone’s radar. Being a foreigner he was able to reflect America from an outsider’s point of view. The commercials and news broadcasts feel a little over the top only to point out how over the top commercials and news had become. In fact I remember my uncle telling me to shut up because he got interested in a news story walking by the TV only to find out it was RoboCop and not the actual news. This is how good this movie was at reflecting society of the time. 

But is it still ok to like RoboCop? Absolutely. If only because it feels more relevant today with how much it shows corporate greed. A  major corporation literally buys a police force to test and utilize it’s own products. I could absolutely see this happening today and would not be surprised to find out it is already happening.

RoboCop eventually takes out the guy at the top in the end, which honestly is the only unrealistic part of the movie and rather fantasy. This is why RoboCop still works for so many people because it manages to reflect reality so well in such a ridiculous and wonderful way. If you need any other proof that RoboCop still rules, remember, he shot a guy in the dick.

- Dangerous Dave

Watch RoboCop on Amazon